2018 State of the Village

2018 State of the Village

Mayor Jay Jackson


In 2017 the Village took several steps in a positive direction.


Utilizing the beautification fund established in 2016, through private sponsorship, the Village was able to improve the aesthetics of the Downtown with the addition of new benches and trash receptacles. Newly painted light poles and entry signs helped to improve the overall image and bolster our effort to make Byesville presentable to not only its residents but perspective businesses as well.

I am working on possible revitalization grant opportunities for the downtown area. These grants would provide resources for private/public partnerships to repair and improve aging buildings and infrastructure. We must continue our work to make Byesville attractive to business and entrepreneurs.  My goal for the downtown is every building in use by the end of 2018.

In 2018 we will continue to make renovations to the Museum with the goal of a regular schedule for hours of operation. Bird control devices and restoration to the exterior of the building has helped to improve the aesthetics and reaffirm our dedication to improving Village owned facilities.

Economic Development

In 2017, I expounded on the Project Phoenix concept and our commitment to economic development with the Project Phoenix Business Grant. This grant will provide funds for small business start-up and expansion. I still need a commitment from Council to finalize this plan and move forward.

In the next 30 days I will be rolling out a new business development opportunity that will focus on entrepreneurship and downtown development.

We will continue to work with current employers, industry, and property owners to research areas of growth and opportunity.

I am actively pursuing several business opportunities. I have spoken with countless business owners who have expressed interest in our Village. I work relentlessly marketing Byesville as a great place to start or expand a business.

Safety Services

Police and Fire continue to be essential services for Village residents. We are covering approximately 104 hours per week. As I have indicated before, safety of the citizens is my highest priority. I am proposing additional funding for more hours in this year’s budget. Budgetary constraints continue to hinder the goal of a 24/7 Police service. I would ask Council to reconsider my proposal from 2016 of allowing the voters to decide if they want 24/7 Police through the implementation of a 1% Safety Tax based on income.

Completing 187 calls in 2017, Chief Wilson and the Fire Department personnel continue to demonstrate why they the best volunteer department in Guernsey County. The Chief would like to construct a joint access point between two of the facilities. This would enable faster response to essential life saving equipment. I am working with Chief Wilson to bring this project to fruition.

A new group of recruits will begin their Basic Fire course at the end of this month bringing us to a total of 20 Fire personnel.


Infrastructure across the US continues to age and compound problems for growth, Byesville is not immune to this nation-wide problem.  In 2017, we replaced approximately 1,900 feet of water line in the areas of Peters Street, Short Street, and 1St Street. The areas of N 6th, N 7th, S 2nd, Glass Avenue, and Watson Avenue continue to be problematic. Some of these streets encompass some of the oldest lines in our system.

As the Administrator has indicated; “we are at the end of the life cycles for these lines”. In order to continue these essential life services and meet OEPA standards, we must replace these lines. To save costs, we will utilize Village resources when possible to install new lines. However, lines such as S. 2nd, N 6th will necessitate outside contractors to perform much of the work. With our enterprise capital outlay decreasing it will be difficult to make these capital improvements without outside funding and increases to current revenue.

The Water Treatment Improvement Project (WIP) is underway. This project will improve our overall quality while making necessary repairs to aging assets. Once complete, the project will increase our daily production to allow for current and future growth.

We are working on the repair of aging and faulty waste water lines through the process of “relining”. This process is used to line the inside of the pipe to repair cracks, save operational costs, and eliminate foreign substance infiltration.

We completed Phase I of this Project in 2016. In order to meet the required deadline, set by the OEPA; work will need to commence on Phase II this year. We are working with OMEGA to secure grant funding for approximately 50% of the project. We will need to secure the other 50% through current capital outlay funds and possibly additional loan funds.


The park continues to be a shining star. We must continue to support this place of connecting community, family, and recreation.

We are applying for a grant to fund a walking trail. The trail, in combination with the grant, will also aid in the necessary ADA improvements required by the Department of Justice.

I look forward to working with Councilman Neff as the new Park Liaison.

We will need to formulate a plan to make necessary repairs to pavilions and other capital improvements as part of our agreement with the DOJ to meet ADA compliancy.


The future for Byesville is bright. I believe working together, expanding our relationships, thinking outside the box, and building on the great attributes of Byesville will continue to attract people and create opportunities for growth.

At the end of the day the fabric that makes Byesville a special place is its citizens. We all share the common goal and desire to create a brighter future for our children and families in an environment of happiness and prosperity. I still believe Byesville best days are yet ahead.


As always with Byesville Pride,


Respectfully yours,


Mayor Jay Jackson





Presented February 14, 2018 to the Byesville Village Council

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