Economic Development
2020 was a year of unprecedented change within our Nation. The Covid-19 pandemic caused havoc for small and large businesses alike. Many of the businesses in Byesville were affected by a decline in sales due to lower foot-traffic, workforce issues due to quarantines, and the implementation of state and local health mandates. Fortunately, many of the industrial businesses were considered “essential” and did not have long-term shutdowns.
Through all of the uncertainty of 2020, Byesville was able to rise above the distractive noise of the world to push forward. I believe this is a compliment to our people and businesses to meet the needs of our community with a deep understanding of family and what it truly means to be “in this together.”
Much of the economic development in the Village has centered around Project Phoenix. I would like to highlight some of the accomplishments of this amazing partnership.
Project Phoenix has provided 7 grants to property and business owners. Those funds have been matched with $205,000 in private equity. The results have been 7 buildings have been rehabilitated creating an estimated $500,000 in increased property value.
Project Phoenix is a great example of how government and private individuals can work together to promote economic growth and opportunity in a community. I am extremely grateful to our local benefactor for making this program possible and their dedication to positive growth in our community.
In 2020, 3 new businesses opened their doors. We have had 3 new businesses open already in 2021, with several more in the planning stages. Byesville has become the central attraction for entrepreneurs in Guernsey County.
My goal is always to have every storefront and available building occupied. I hope 2021 is the year that we can reach this goal.
As our Village expands and businesses set their roots in our community, we need to continue to seek out ways to build relationships that encourage growth and expansion.
I am immensely proud of the beautification efforts in our community resulting in a tremendous improvement to the aesthetics throughout our Village. It is a proven method that when the Village leaders demonstrate their commitment to improvement so will the citizens.
In 2020, we made several improvements to our downtown landscape including a new set of flag poles on the square, a variation of banners on the light poles, and completed the conversion of streetlights to LED.
In 2021, I want to install new street signs and install an LED style sign on the square that will display critical messages and events for improved communication with our citizens.
Additionally, I would like to add more “people spaces” to our downtown including a more congregational use of the square. Creating places where people can appreciate the beauty of our community while enjoying the company of each other.
Safety Services
2020, was a great year for our Safety Services.
The Fire Department reestablished EMS services with the addition of an ambulance for transport. Village operated EMS transport services have been absent from the Village since 2006. In 2020, Village EMS personnel responded to 406 calls.
Late in 2020, utilizing CARES Act funding, we purchased two used ambulance units. One unit will serve as replacement to the current unit while the other unit is a 4×4 unit and will be used when such a need arises in our community. Currently, there are only 2 4×4 units in the entire County including Byesville’s unit. Both units are expected to be placed in service in early 2021.
Village Fire personnel responded to 150 calls in 2020. The FD was awarded several grants in 2020 including a grant from the BWC for a battery-operated Jaws of Life for $30,000, and an ODNR grant for Turnout Gear for $9,300.
Chief Haren and his Assistants have done a tremendous job acquiring grants, training personnel, and making sure Responders have the resources they need to perform these life saving responsibilities.
The Administrator and the Chief are working on an asset management plan. This plan will help to establish budgeting and asset replacement for the next ten years.
As of January 2021, we have only one payment left on the Engine 107 apparatus. We are hopeful that we will be able to pay the loan off this year. Once this loan is complete, we will be evaluating the asset management plan for the next necessary apparatus purchase.
I am working with the Chief to make some overdue improvements to the FD facilities. We will be making renovations to the middle building. These renovations will assist in the utilization of the facility for training and necessary public events.
Additionally, in 2020, we established a “soft billing” system that will provide a critical source of revenue for both Fire and EMS services. This system was established in the middle of 2020 and I expect there to be a substantial increase in 2021 and the years to come.
In 2021, we will continue our contracts with Jackson Township for both Fire and EMS services.
The Byesville PD responded to 814 calls in 2020. This is down substantially from 2019. In conversations with Former Chief May, he attributed the decline to COVID quarantines and better surveillance of patrols.
We are awaiting the delivery of a new cruiser that we were able to purchase with CARES Act funding. The cruiser is expected to be in service in early spring.
I would like to propose a $10,000 increase to the Police budget. The increase would assist with additional hours for part-time officers, additional patrols, and necessary operational resources to effectively provide these essential services to Village residents and businesses.
I am still assessing and interviewing applicants for the vacant Chief’s position.
2020 and 2021 will see the completion of several long-term infrastructure projects.
The Administrator has done a tremendous job keeping projects on schedule and moving forward.
In 2020, We competed the 2nd Phase of a Sanitary Sewer Reline Project. The culmination of this project is from work that began in 2015. The project goal was to reduce inflow and infiltration during heavy rain events. The reduction of I&I would result in future compliance will OEPA mandates to eliminate bypasses. I am proud to say the project was a great success and reduced the I&I by 76% and has dramatically reduced the number of bypasses.
Additionally, in the Wastewater department we completed Phase I of the necessary Guernsey Power Station Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. Phase II and III are currently under construction. This project will not only provide sanitary sewer to the power station but provide for long-term sewer options of local residents and future construction of schools.
The project is a great example of how private/public partnerships that provide positive growth to our community.
The Water Improvement and Expansion Project is nearing completion. The project has met all of the initial goals including compliance of TTHM’s, expansion of our production to 3 million gallons per day, and most of all deliver unmatched improvement of our water quality. I may be a little biased, but I believe we once again have the best water in eastern Ohio.
We will be seeking to replace several waterlines this year. The Administrator is working on preparations to replace East Spruce and securing funding for South Second.
The Glass Avenue Culvert Project is expected to be complete by the end of April. I am looking forward to traffic patterns returning to normal. The increased size of the culvert will assist in the mitigation of flood waters.
We are currently evaluating streets for resurfacing this year. We will be working with Council to find the best use of the funds.
In 2020, we purchased a jetter/vactor. This truck will help to assist keeping storm culverts and catch basins clean from debris and therefore extend the life of these critical assets.
Last week, I received notification the Village will receive $460,000 toward infrastructure projects from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 as passed by Congress earlier this month. I will have more details on the proposed projects and disbursement in the weeks to come.
The Park
The park is a great source of enjoyment for individuals and families throughout our community. I believe our investment in the park is an investment in our future and those who will enjoy the Park and its facilities for generations to come.
In 2020, the Park completed the relocation and new construction of Pavilion #2. This project not only replaced an aging and deteriorating pavilion but helped us to meet our ADA requirements from the Department of Justice.
Additionally, in 2020, through the generosity of many donations and the volunteer efforts of others, the Park installed a 9-hole disc golf course. This coarse has brought many people to our Village park for the enjoyment of this increasingly popular pastime. An expansion of the coarse is planned for 2021.
In 2020, the Village was awarded a grant to install a walking trail. We are still working out the details of the plan but hope to complete the trail this year. A future expansion of the trail would include an extension to Jackson Park.
We are currently working on projects for this year. These projects include a permanent restroom at Rasors field, and improvement of the field drainage.
We will also be working on the required ADA improvements per our agreement with the Department of Justice.
The Future
Our Village has a lot of momentum and I am optimistic about our future.
The difficulties of last year are proof that if we all work together, we can rise above the challenges of today and persevere for a brighter tomorrow.
I appreciate the Council and the accomplishments that we have achieved together. When we work together, we have proven that we can overcome the obstacles we face so that our citizens and businesses can be proud to call Byesville home.
We will continue to strive to make Byesville the best placed to live, work, and raise a family.
As always with Byesville Pride,
Respectfully yours,
Mayor Jay Jackson
Presented March 24, 2021 to the Byesville Village Council