Bulk Water facility open in Cumberland

Cumberland Bulk Water Press Release

Last Day to Register for the Gus Macker on June 20th

The last day to register for the Gus Macker basketball tournament is June 20th.  To sign up please go to https://macker.com/local/byesville-oh .

Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony at Green Wood Cemetary

The annual Byesville Memorial Day parade will take place on Monday May 30th at 1:05 P.M.  The parade line up will take place on Glass Avenue.  If you have additional questions please contact Mayor Jay Jackson at 740-685-0800 or via email  at  mailto:jjackson@byesvilleoh.gov.



Byesville Clean up assistance for Byesville Senior Citizens, Elderly, and physically disabled

Aaron Kirkman from “Your Way Cleaning” is running a crew of Byesville volunteers.  Please contact Aaron Kirkman if you need assistance removing trash from your property during Byesville Clean Up Days.  He will be assisting residents in hauling your unwanted objects to the clean up dumpsters.  To schedule in advance to ensure you get your assistance please call Aaron at 740-255-4810.



Park Board Vacancy filled by Michael Port

Michael Port was appointed by Mayor Jay Jackson.  Congratulations Mr. Port

Tax Deadline April 18th

It is that time of year again, the deadline for the 2015 Income Tax Return is April 18th.  All  returns must be post marked by April 18th to avoid late fees.  If you have any questions please contact the Village Tax Clerk at 740-685-0800.

Kelly Miller Circus Coming to Byesville

Byesville is pleased to announce the Kelly Miller Circus will be at Meadowbrook on  May 22nd, the shows start at 2:00 P.M. and  5:00 P.M..      Please click the Kelly Miller Circus logo for more information, ticket sales available online. 

Adults online presale price $12.00

Advanced online child price $6.00


buy tickets online
Tickets Available for 2:00 and 5:00 Show



From Police Chief

As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week,   The Byesville Police Department will be participating in a statewide tornado drill on Wednesday March 23 at 9:50 a.m.  During this time we will sound and test our outdoor warning sirens.  Schools and households are encouraged  to practice their tornado drills and emergency plans.



Jason May

Byesville Police Chief

Mayor Jackson State of the Village

As we proceed into the New Year I am filled with excitement for the future of the Village of Byesville.  I have always said; Byesville has so much to offer, and I look forward to unlocking Byesville’s untapped potential.  I will work with Village Council to bridge the gaps between the Administration and Council, to become one for the betterment of the citizens.  The challenges ahead of us are monumental; however I believe we have the right people in place to create a team that will meet the challenges to come.

Economic development is one my foremost concerns.  I have met with server business owners, and community leader.  My goal is to create an environment that attracts business and development.

My goal in the next twelve months is to develop a vision that completely reassesses our downtown business district.  We will create a “Main Street” program that embraces a small town culture but initializes the change and hope that we so desperately need.  We will build on the things that work, and not be afraid to take the necessary steps to make our downtown a place of pride for generations to come.

We are facing aging infrastructure.  I am working with the Administrator to develop a long term continuous improvement plan to address the replacement of streets, and water/sewer lines.  My goal is the replacement of a minimum of one water line per year.

Our budgetary concerns will be met head-on with fresh approaches to generate revenue.  We will be fiscally conservative in our approach to spending while remembering this is the people’s money.  We will pursue grants and explore alternative sources to fund projects.

The safety and security of the citizens are my highest concern therefore; I am proposing an increase to the Police Budget to allow for a full-time officer.

The Fire Department is in good hands.  We currently have 21 firemen.  Chief Wilson and his personnel are working tirelessly to keep the department the best volunteer Department in the area.

I do not want to neglect our efforts to focus on the families and youth of our Village.  I want to create a safe and well balanced environment, through activities, events, and a striving park system that will allow families to create life long memories.

I feel as though our citizens are our strongest asset, and by everyone coming together I believe we can continue to strive to make Byesville a great place to live and raise a family.

In closing I believe our best days are yet ahead, and by working together there is nothing we can’t accomplish.

Thank you in advance, and as always with Byesville pride.

Respectfully yours,


Mayor Jay Jackson

From Mayor Jay Jackson

All Residents,


Please be careful driving, as road conditions are constantly changing.  Please attempt to utilize off street parking during snow events.



Jay Jackson

Byesville Mayor


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