
Guernsey County District Library Tween Cafe

Tween Cafe for children in the 4th-9th grade only.

Need a quiet place to read, study or hang out?  Then this is for you!  Snacks and drinks as well as tablets and headphones, will be available on a first come-first serve basis.

Byesville Proclamation

Byesville Village Council passed a proclamation banning the word Cambridge on October 27th from sunup to sundown.  The recommended word to be subsituted is North or the team up North.  Go Colts! Beat North!!!

Breakfast with Santa

Breakfast with Santa, held at the Stop Nine Senior Center, 8:00–11:30 am. The pancake, egg, sausage, juice, and milk or coffee breakfast is $5.00. Breakfast for children under five is free with the purchase of an adult breakfast. Pictures with Santa are complementary with purchase of breakfast.

Byesville Rotary Club Christmas Food Basket distribution

Byesville Rotary Club Christmas Food Basket distribution–Saturday, December 16, at the  Main Avenue United Methodist Activity Center behind the church. Available only to families who have pre-registered.Distribution will be 7:00am–11:30am.

Christmas food basket sign-ups

Christmas food basket sign-ups–all at the Main Avenue United Methodist Activity Center behind the church.
Registration open to any family living in the Rolling Hills School District. Participants asked to bring Social Security card and proof of address.

Byesville’s Spooktacular Evening of Fun

5:30-6:30 Trick or Treat

6:00 Parade Line up Starts @ Assembly of God Parking Lot

7:00 PM Parade Begins (Route is straight down Main Street)

Float Contest for: Scariest, Most Creative, Best Walking group, Most Original, Best Musical Entry, Most Unusal, Village Choice, Trophy presentation November 14th.

Halloween Party at Byesville Elementary immediately following the parade. (Hot dogs, pizza, chips, and drinks for free).

Costume Contest at Halloween Party Adward for:
Best homemade Costume, Best Makeup with Costume, Group, Spookiest, Most Original.

Pumpkin Carving Contest- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places (Bring them prepared to be judged.
Candy Container Guess- Closest Wins
Photographer will be available selling pictures.
Cornhole Toss
Halloween Crfts

Coloring Contest (2 age groups ) Winner anncounced on FB November 1

To enter the parde or for more information
Contact Jay Jackson 740-280-3066 or Mike Port 740-255-6911

Request for Quotation

The Village of Byesville is requesting quotation for design, engineering, and bidding services for a water treatment improvement project, comprised of the demolition of the existing Aerolators (3) and the installation of five (5) new Aerolators or comparable units and or technology.
As an option, Byesville would like quotation and cost opinion on the design-build of a clarifier system.
Additionally, Byesville is requesting quotation for the design, engineering and bidding services for the installation of a sanitary sewer line to be installed from the current water treatment facility, to an existing lift station.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on September 26th 10:00 am at the Byesville Water Treatment Facility located at 59870 Vocational Rd. Byesville, OH 43723
Quotations must be received via certified mail or in person at 221 E Main Ave Byesville, OH 43723 no later than 4:00 pm EST on October 6, 2017. Quotations will be opened and reviewed publicly on October 6, 2017 4:00 pm EST in Council Chambers at the Byesville Village Hall located at 221 E Main Ave Byesville, OH 43723.
Quotation specifics and documents may be obtained free of charge by contacting the Village Administrators office 740-685-0800 EXT 1001 or
This notice may be accessed electronically at The Village reserves the right to reject any and all bids and or quotes.

Shalom Baptist Chruch Yard Sale Fund Raiser

Public Library Event

Public Library Event

The Guernsey County District Public Library requests the honor of your participation in a “resident focus group”. In order to better serve community needs, a discussion of the services and materials provided by the Byesville Branch will be held. Suggestions and input would be appreciated. The possibility of future building renovation will be discussed. Please plan to attend, visit with neighbors and share your thoughts.
• WHEN: Saturday, June 24, 2017 from 10:30am until noon
• WHERE: Byesville Branch, 100 Glass Avenue, Byesville OH
• WHO: Village residents and branch patrons.
Library representatives will be present to facilitate.
Those interested but unable to attend may share thoughts with the Director via the Library’s website

Public Library Event

The Guernsey County District Public Library requests the honor of your participation in a “resident focus group”. In order to better serve community needs, a discussion of the services and materials provided by the Byesville Branch will be held. Suggestions and input would be appreciated. The possibility of future building renovation will be discussed. Please plan to attend, visit with neighbors and share your thoughts.
• WHEN: Saturday, June 24, 2017 from 10:30am until noon
• WHERE: Byesville Branch, 100 Glass Avenue, Byesville OH
• WHO: Village residents and branch patrons.
Library representatives will be present to facilitate.
Those interested but unable to attend may share thoughts with the Director via the Library’s website

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