
2017 State of the Village

Mayor Jay Jackson


2016 was a year of transitioning to my new role and introducing ideas to strengthen the Village. I spent the first few months assessing the needs of our Village and listening to the concerns of the residents.

In 2017 I want to build on the achievements of 2016 and introduce ideas and projects that will lay the foundation for future generations and the long term vitality of our Village.

The Police department was strengthened by the addition of a full-time officer. Our drug enforcement efforts remain strong. I believe the establishment of a K-9 officer has helped to identify and discourage would be dealers. We are sending a clear message that Byesville does not tolerate drugs. My goal is still a 24/7 Police Department to ensure the critical protection of our residents.

The Fire Department remains the best volunteer department in the area. In 2016 the FD responded to approximately 105 calls. Through good fiscal management Chief Wilson was able to purchase used air packs at a fraction of the cost of new, and replace units that were well beyond their life expectancy.  Currently 18 fire-fighters provide services to the Village and Township. The Chief would like to provide EMT training to several interested personnel. This training will further increase the department’s ability to provide life-saving services in an emergency.

Water and Waste Water continue to be strong assets of the Village. The Administrator and his personnel have worked countless hours to provide quality services to the community. Many projects are planned for 2017 including upgrades to the Water Treatment Facility and the installation of aging water lines.

I would like to proceed with Phase II of the Sewer Reline Project. This project is critical to reducing excess flow and aid in the reduction of necessary treatment thus reducing operating expenses.

2017 may be a year of significant expansion of our water and waste water services. As area developments move forward, Byesville stands ready to provide the necessary infrastructure.

We will continue to assess, repair, and resurface our streets as the budget allows. The purchase of the new street sweeper will help to maintain roadways and keep our streets clean from debris.

I would like to move forward with the Storm Water Split Project. I believe this project will help to alleviate flooding in currently congested areas.

Mr. Costello and the Park Board have done a fantastic job maintaining our beautiful Village Park. Via a Nature-works grant, we were able to purchase new equipment including a “merry-go-round” and an ADA approved toddler swing. In the spring we will begin installation of a new basketball court. I am looking forward to the Gus Macker and other family events planned for 2017.


My main focus continues to be economic development. Several businesses started operations in 2016. More than 500 people a day enter the Village to work at factories, stores, schools and other businesses.

I am looking forward to moving ahead with Project Phoenix. I expect to have the committee in place by March. The goal of Project Phoenix is to provide a comprehensive plan for economic development and downtown revitalization. We will also consider ways to strengthen our current partnerships, explore new collaborations, and look for opportunities to promote the great benefits of starting a business in the Village of Byesville.

In 2016 we took a vested interest in our downtown with the purchase of a dilapidated building. We removed the infestation of pigeons, cleaned and disinfected the building, and thanks to work of Councilwoman Foraker, we were able to replace the frames and broken windows to create a presentable building. Future plans for the building will be contingent upon ideas and developments from Project Phoenix.

In 2016 we added a fund for beautification. This fund is designed to provide resources to improve the aesthetics of the Village. In my experience, Beautification is a community effort that requires residents to take a pro-active approach with consideration and pride in their own properties. In 2017 we will make a better effort to enforce Village ordinance and code enforcement.

I expect great things in 2017. I look forward to expanding our borders in order to bring unity to our community.  I will continue to work cooperatively with Council to improve the quality of life for our residents.

I still feel our citizens are our strongest asset and Byesville’s best days are ahead.

As always with Byesville Pride,


Respectfully yours,


Mayor Jay Jackson






Presented January 25, 2017 to the Byesville Village Council

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