Last Day to Register for the Gus Macker on June 20th
The last day to register for the Gus Macker basketball tournament is June 20th. To sign up please go to .
Last Day to Register for the Gus Macker
The day to register online for the Gus Macker is June 20th. Please go to to sign up.
Mayors Court
Johnathan Bye Days
Byesville Beautification Meeting
June 4 8:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M.
Byesville’s Fire Work Celebration
Byesville will be celebrating our independence day on July 2nd. Please come down to the park and enjoy the festivities.
Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony at Green Wood Cemetary
The annual Byesville Memorial Day parade will take place on Monday May 30th at 1:05 P.M. The parade line up will take place on Glass Avenue. If you have additional questions please contact Mayor Jay Jackson at 740-685-0800 or via email at
Memorial Day Parade and ceremony to follow at Green Wood Cemetary
Parade starting at 1:05 on Main Street in Byesville and will make it’s way to Greenwood cemetary.
Parade line up starts from 12:00 to 1:00
Immediately following the parade will be a ceremony at Greenwood cemetery.