4th Annual Guernsey County Reading Festival
February 1 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm EST
Event: fb://event/916119519722715
The East Central Ohio Educational Service Center continues its mission of Helping Schools Help Students by sponsoring the 2nd Annual Guernsey County Reading Festival on May 20th, 2023, at the Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center. The goal of the Family Reading Festival is to promote literacy and the love of reading to children, birth through 8th grade, among area families living in Guernsey County.
Our theme this year is “Get Wild About Reading!” To encourage the importance of reading, local schools, libraries, and community and civic organizations are invited to provide hands-on literacy activity stations for families.
The first 300 children to arrive will receive a goodie bag! ALL children will leave with a free book. This event will be tons of fun and everyone will have the opportunity to win door prizes!