Farmers Market

Square 101 S 2nd St, Byesville, United States

Byesville cordially invites you to visit us at the Square located on Main St.  The purpose of our Farmers Market is to provide handmade crafts, baked goods, and canned goods, local farm raised meats, and fresh grown produce for our community.

Christmas food basket sign-ups

Christmas food basket sign-ups--all at the Main Avenue United Methodist Activity Center behind the church. Registration open to any family living in the Rolling Hills School District. Participants asked to bring Social Security card and proof of address.

Farmers Market

Square 101 S 2nd St, Byesville, United States

Byesville cordially invites you to visit us at the Square located on Main St.  The purpose of our Farmers Market is to provide handmade crafts, baked goods, and canned goods, local farm raised meats, and fresh grown produce for our community.

Byesville’s Spooktacular Evening of Fun

5:30-6:30 Trick or Treat 6:00 Parade Line up Starts @ Assembly of God Parking Lot 7:00 PM Parade Begins (Route is straight down Main Street) Float Contest for: Scariest, Most Creative, Best Walking group, Most Original, Best Musical Entry, Most Unusal, Village Choice, Trophy presentation November 14th. Halloween Party at Byesville Elementary immediately following the … Continue reading Byesville’s Spooktacular Evening of Fun

Guernsey County District Library Tween Cafe

Byesville Library 100 Glass Ave, Byesville, OH

Tween Cafe for children in the 4th-9th grade only. Need a quiet place to read, study or hang out?  Then this is for you!  Snacks and drinks as well as tablets and headphones, will be available on a first come-first serve basis.

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