Guernsey County District Library Tween Cafe

Byesville Library 100 Glass Ave, Byesville, OH

Tween Cafe for children in the 4th-9th grade only. Need a quiet place to read, study or hang out?  Then this is for you!  Snacks and drinks as well as tablets and headphones, will be available on a first come-first serve basis.

Village Offices Closes Thanksgiving

Village Hall 221 Main St, Byesville, United States

Village offices will be closed for the observance of Thanksgiving on November 23 - 24th.

Christmas Parade

New Parade Route 102 S. 7th St, Byesville, Oh

Breakfast with Santa

Breakfast with Santa, held at the Stop Nine Senior Center, 8:00--11:30 am. The pancake, egg, sausage, juice, and milk or coffee breakfast is $5.00. Breakfast for children under five is free with the purchase of an adult breakfast. Pictures with Santa are complementary with purchase of breakfast.

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