10 events found.
Guernsey County District Library Tween Cafe
Byesville Library 100 Glass Ave, Byesville, OHTween Cafe for children in the 4th-9th grade only. Need a quiet place to read, study or hang out? Then this is for you! Snacks and drinks as well as tablets and headphones, will be available on a first come-first serve basis.
Fire Department Meeting
Fire Department 212 Seneca Ave, Byesville, United StatesByesville Village Council
Village Hall 221 Main St, Byesville, United StatesByesville Village Council
Village Hall 221 Main St, Byesville, United StatesVillage Offices Closes Thanksgiving
Village Hall 221 Main St, Byesville, United StatesVillage offices will be closed for the observance of Thanksgiving on November 23 - 24th.
Christmas Parade
New Parade Route 102 S. 7th St, Byesville, OhFire Department Meeting
Fire Department 212 Seneca Ave, Byesville, United StatesBreakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa, held at the Stop Nine Senior Center, 8:00--11:30 am. The pancake, egg, sausage, juice, and milk or coffee breakfast is $5.00. Breakfast for children under five is free with the purchase of an adult breakfast. Pictures with Santa are complementary with purchase of breakfast.