Event: https://facebook.com/events/s/2023-byesville-monster-mash/1415347269228499/ Join the Byesville Businesses as we come together for an afternoon of fun, food, games and more. take a stroll down 2nd st and get treats from local businesses. There will also be minigolf and scoody doo. And best of all - IT'S FREE. Fire Dept will have food and more right after … Continue reading 2023 Byesville Monster Mash
Event: https://facebook.com/events/s/byesville-trick-or-treating/1387197978700677/ Tuesday Oct. 31st - 5:30-6:30pm Trick or Treating Please be safe while trick or treating!
Event: https://facebook.com/events/s/byesville-annual-halloween-par/592073239170534/ Tuesday Oct. 31st – 7:00pm Line Up starts at 6:00 @ Byesville Assembly of God & Famous Supply Route straight down Main St. to 1st St.