In addition to serving as the Village’s Chief Financial Officer and as Clerk of Council, the Fiscal Officer is responsible for the following:
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable (excluding court fines, income taxes, and utility billing)
- Audit Compliance
- Building, Demolition, Sign, and Zoning Permits: Fee Collection and Refund Processing
- Financial Statements Preparation
- Income Tax and Utility Deposit Refund Processing
- Monthly Bank Reconciliations
- Public Records Requests
- Payroll and Employee Benefits Administration
- Records Management
- Treasury Management and Investments
The Fiscal Officer, Veronica Vargeson can be reached by calling (740) 685-0800 ext. 4 or
For questions regarding utility payment, please call (740) 685-0800 ext. 2.
For questions regarding a court or an income tax payment, please call (740) 685-0800 ext. 3 .