Jay Jackson-
740-685-0800 ext. 9
The mayor is the chief executive of the village. The mayor supervises the administration of the village and presides at council meetings. The mayor may appoint various village officials. (Ohio Revised Code Section 733.24)
A. Qualifications, Election, and Term – The mayor must be an elector of the village and is elected to a term of four years. Upon the mayor’s permanent absence, the president pro tempore of the village council serves as a successor until a qualified successor can be elected. (Ohio Revised Code Sections 733.24 and 733.25)
B. Administration Powers and Duties – The mayor shall perform those duties established by village council in its bylaws and ordinances. It is the mayor’s duty as chief executive to see that all village laws are enforced. The mayor must also sign various legal instruments as the village council or State law requires. (Ohio Revised Code Section 733.30)