The Village of Byesville is recruiting volunteers for the following:
As a volunteer you help:
* Monitoring the Welcome Center / Byesville Museum / Virtual Learning Center
* Beautification Projects (i.e. planting flowers, mulching, raking leaves, watering flowers, etc.)
* Work in concession stand at events and in the park
* Assist with activities/events planned by park board, fire department, council, etc… (For example, Easter Egg Hunt, Byesville Blast, Firemen’s Festival, Jonathan Bye Days, Halloween Parade, Christmas Parade, Byesville Area Youth events, etc.)
* Painting crew
* Park monitors (assist in keeping the park a safe place to be for all ages)
* Litter control (in the park, at the ballfield and around downtown)
* Park Board (these positions are appointed by Mayor and serve 3 year terms) They work together with the park liaison. If interested in ever serving on the board, contact the mayor!
* General office work
* S.O.S. (Serving Our Seniors)
Volunteers for the Village of Byesville have been identified as a strategic advantage and a valuable resource for the community and the Village rewards and recognizes volunteers for their contributions and commitment.
To become a V.I.P. – Apply here!!!
You DO NOT have to be a resident of Byesville!
To review and read V.I.P (Volunteer) Handbook – CLICK HERE
Or download, print off and return the application to Village of Byesville C/O Volunteer 221 Main St.
Please complete a waiver as well – CLICK HERE!