Mayor’s Court
The Village of Byesville Mayor’s Court hears misdemeanor offenses occurring within the village’s corporation limits. The Mayor’s Court Clerk, is responsible for the collection of fines and fees and maintenance of traffic and criminal citations.
The Village of Byesville police department has the authority to enforce all city ordinances.
Mailing Address:
ATTN: Byesville Mayor’s Court
221 Main ST
Byesville, OH 43723
Payment Information
Mayors Court Payment
Payments can be made by mail, online, or in person at the Municipal Building,at 221 Main St, Byesville Ohio 43723
No payments will be accepted over the phone.
For traffic citations paid by mail, please include your ticket signed on the reverse
side, and sending in the payment is an omission of guilt, but you are not required to appear on the court date.
criminal citations or to ask for a payment plan you must appear on the date scheduled on your ticket.
Court Information
Byesville Mayor’s Court is held the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00
p.m. at the Municipal building.
Court Procedures
Upon arrival, each defendant attending court will be asked to sign a Basic Rights
form. This form explains your rights and defines what it means to plead guilty, not
guilty, and no contest. It is important that this form is completed by each defendant
as it is used to inform the city prosecutor and judge that you are in attendance.
Defendants are seen by the judge based on the order determined by the village.
Trials will be held 2 weeks following the arraignment date.
Missing Court
Failure to appear in court is an omission of guilt. a letter will be issued to the
defendant, which then a 30 day grace period begins, if payment is not received
within 30 days a block will be placed on the drivers license of the defendant.
Byesville Mayor’s Court Clerk
(740) 685-0800 x 1002 
Prosecuting Attorney
Bill Ferguson